When the island went into lockdown due to the corona virus, this was a major setback for a lot of families who depend on tourism. The good thing is that a lot of people on the island decided to work together and help.
What makes Bonaire special is the small community we live in. Everybody is willing to help each other. Not only to protect nature including all animals on the island, but also our own neighbor.

When the island went into lockdown due to the corona virus, this was a big setback for a lot of families. Most of the families on the island depend on tourism. This means that for a lot of them there is no income anymore and it’s hard to pay all the bills. The good thing is that a lot of people on the island decided to work together. Like the chefs who cook 3 days a week 150 meals for Stichting Voedselbank (Food Bank) Bonaire. Another group started: Foodhelpbonaire.com. Every week they cook a healthy meal that can be picked up on Friday for free. Signing up can be done via their website.
These are just two examples of all the good initiatives on the island! All these projects are sponsored by local entrepreneurs, rotary Bonaire and the government.
Un Man ta laba otro, tur dos ta bira limpi
“One hand washes the other, together they get clean”
Meaning: When working together, a lot more can be accomplished