Coral Spawning 2017

7 August 2017 by Sunwise Bonaire - Reading time: < 1 minute

Synchronized swimming is crucial!
Scientists still don’t know how the adult corals manage to release their gametes exactly at the same time, but this “synchronized swimming” is crucial, because the gametes of most coral species have a shelf life of only a few hours.

Spectacular phenomenon

Depending on the lunar cycle and water temperature, coral reefs release their eggs and sperm, so-called gametes, into the Caribbean Sea around us. This phenomenon is called “coral spawning” in English and is clearly visible underwater as a “blizzard” of billions of colored flakes.

Synchronized swimming is crucial

Scientists still don’t know how the adult corals manage to release their gametes at the same time, but this “synchronized swimming” is crucial, because the gametes of most coral species have a shelf life of only a few hours. That huge snowstorm increases the chance of fertilization.

Because of the fatty substances called lipids they carry, the gametes slowly rise to the water surface where the fertilization process begins.

New coral colony

When a coral egg and sperm cell merge into an embryo, it first develops a coral larva or planula. The planulae float in the ocean, sometimes for days or even weeks, before fluttering to the bottom. There, the collection grows into a new coral colony, with an enormous speed of about 0.4 centimeters per year… That is why it is so important that every diver stays away from the coral with his fingers (or flippers!): The growth, and recovery, take so long!


Would you like to experience the amazing spectacle of coral spawning yourself in 2017? The nature organization STINAPA on Bonaire made predictions about when the event could be seen.

Accommodations nearby

For accommodations close to one of the famous shore dive sites on Bonaire, check out our vacation rentals.

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