Bonaire in 100 photos – Windsurfing Sorobon

3 February 2022 by Casper Douma - Reading time: < 1 minute

Windsurfing in Bonaire, a magical experience. Crystal clear, turquoise waters and favorable wind conditions. A paradise for anyone who wants to practice this sport.

Windsurfing on Bonaire: a paradise experience.

Windsurfing in Bonaire is known as one of the most magical experiences for water sports enthusiasts. This is mainly due to the crystal clear, turquoise waters and consistent, favorable wind conditions. Both beginners and advanced surfers can have a blast here. On the island you will find Lac Bay Sorobon, a shallow bay known worldwide as a perfect spot for windsurfing. This is partly due to its protected location and soft sandy bottom. Professional windsurfing schools along the coastline offer top-quality lessons and equipment, giving everyone a chance to practice the sport. Windsurfing on Bonaire is not just a sport; it is an unforgettable experience.

Casper Douma Photography

β€œBon dia tur hende i bon bini na dushi Boneiru!”
My name is Casper Douma and I am a photographer. Since 2014 I’ve been living on this beautiful island, surrounded by a fringing reef. At first glance, you may see mostly cacti and drought, but Bonaire is a little gem if you get to know it better. I would like to take you on one of my photography tours to show you all the special places of Bonaire. In small groups of maximum 4 people I give you a unique look at the beauty of Bonaire. Became curious? Take a look at my website! I wish you a lot of fun on beautiful Bonaire.”

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