Major breakthrough against coral bleaching

15 May 2020 by Sunwise Bonaire - Reading time: < 1 minute

Much of the coral on Bonaire is in danger of disappearing, putting the economies of diving tourism locations, such as our island, in danger.

Global warming

Scientists in Australia have probably found a way to reduce the so-called coral bleaching, the massive death of coral, due to global warming. Much of the coral on our globe – and therefore on Bonaire – is in danger of disappearing, putting the habitat of an estimated quarter of marine life at stake and then the economies of diving tourism locations, such as our island.

Coral Bleeching Bonaire
Koraal Bonaire

Significant breakthrough!

The scientists have managed to keep the coral alive in warmer water than usual, by making the food of the coral, which is made up of algae, resistant to higher temperatures. The researchers call it a significant breakthrough and published their findings last week in the scientific journal Science Advances.

2 responses to "Major breakthrough against coral bleaching"
  1. Multatuli says:

    That is good news! Although it is the world on its upside down. We should solve the problem from the roots.

    1. You’re right, of course. But from what we have read, there might be a lot of different causes for the bleaching, including the El Niño and La Niña streams. Maybe it’s too complicated to solve the problem from the roots on a short term, and in that case we cheer for these scientists!

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