BON DOET: volunteering that connects and strengthens
BON DOET transforms Bonaire annually through volunteer work that strengthens the community. Everyone, from tourists to local residents, contributes to various projects, from landscaping to elder care, with the goal of connecting, growing, and having fun together.
Last weekend March 15 and 16 was the 14th edition of BON DOET. The event on Bonaire that gets the heart of volunteerism beating. Every year this initiative transforms the community, bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds. But what makes it so special? And why should you and I do our part? Dive with us into the story of Bonaire DOET, where volunteering is not only about giving, but also about connecting and strengthening.
What is BON DOET?
History and mission
BON DOET, Bonaire does started as the Bonairean version of NL does, a day when volunteering takes center stage. The goal? To inspire people to contribute to their communities. It is an initiative of the Oranje Fonds in the Netherlands together with the NGO plataforma in Bonaire. It is more than an event; it is a movement that shows how cooperation can change our world. Or in other words, “Hasi bon, pasa bon!”, do good, feel good!
Impact on the community
From refurbishing local parks to organizing activities for older people, BON DOET has proven to be a powerful engine for positive change. These projects not only bring physical improvements, but also strengthen the social fabric of Bonaire. Last weekend, a whopping 1885 volunteers were registered for 82 jobs on Bonaire.

The power of volunteering
Wide diversity in participants
The unique appeal of BON DOET lies in its inclusiveness; everyone who wants to make a positive contribution, regardless of background or length of stay on Bonaire, is welcome. This means it will be a melting pot of cultures, experiences, and perspectives, all united by one common goal: to improve and strengthen the local community.
Tourists visiting the island thus have a unique opportunity to do more than just enjoy themselves; they can actually give something back to the place that offers them hospitality. Temporary interns find in BON DOET an opportunity to dive deeper into Bonairean culture, beyond the confines of their temporary workplaces or study environments.
It brings together people who otherwise might never have worked together. The exchange of ideas, skills, and cultural insights contributes to the realization of projects that have a lasting impact on the island. Moreover, this diversity promotes a deeper understanding and appreciation of Bonaire’s unique mix of cultures.
Various types of projects
Various projects are tackled during BON DOET, from greening schoolyards to organizing social activities for older people. Each project contributes to the well-being of the community and offers volunteers a chance to do something outside their daily routine. The wonderful thing about this is that there is something for everyone; whether you have green fingers, enjoy doing odd jobs, or just want to offer a listening ear.

How BON DOET works
The schedule
Several months before the big day, planning begins. Local organizations and schools submit projects that could use extra hands. Then, through the website, volunteers can sign up for a project that makes their heart beat faster. The organization behind BON DOET provides coordination, materials, and support so that each action is successful.
The day itself
On the day of BON DOET, there is an unprecedented energy on Bonaire. People of all ages and backgrounds come together to tackle their chosen projects. The day often starts with a short briefing, followed by the work itself. Collaboration and a sense of community are key. Afterwards, there is often a joint wrap-up where experiences are shared and successes celebrated.
Getting involved with BON DOET is easy. Visit the official website, check out the list of projects, and choose one (or more!) that suits you. You can sign up individually or as a group, which also makes it a great team-building activity. All you need is a willingness to contribute and a positive attitude.
Now that you know how valuable and fun BON DOET can be, what are you waiting for? This is your chance to be part of something bigger while strengthening Bonaire’s community. Whether you have a few hours or the whole day, your contribution will make a difference. Join BON DOET and experience for yourself the joy and satisfaction of volunteering. Will we see you back at the 2025 edition?